
Uranus - going wild

Reading time: 6 minutes

Uranus is the chaos maker of the chart. As much as we are often annoyed by it, we need it for our unique path.


Uranus is the only planet "rolling forward". Its movement stands out; it is different, unusual, and doesn't seem to fit in. This energy applies to us as well. Where Uranus is, there is uniqueness. Sometimes we very much reside this energy and sometimes we experience it from the outside. Either we are the ones with the different rhythm (and therefore are probably irritating others), or our circumstances suddenly are doing their own thing.


The tricky thing about Uranus is that the energy is neither controllable nor does it announce itself in any way. So we have to face both the uncertainty and the powerlessness when we get to experience the energy of this planet. No wonder it feels rather uncomfortable for us.


Funny enough: The more we let "things happen" with Uranus, the easier it gets. When we embrace the rebellious, free energy, we naturally follow the process and experience the more pleasant effects. It's a matter of trusting that better times will come. So although it's not easy, it may well be worth overcoming the fear of Uranus-influenced life situations.


We cannot predict what Uranus will do in our horoscope. But we can see in which areas of life we feel more or less comfortable with it; we can also see how much we resist the energy; and we can see indicators of how we can deal with it with a sense of “I'll get through this”. To get an overview you can read the following sections of this article.


Uranus is a slow planet and stays for about 7 years in a zodiac sign. It gives Uranus a small generational impact. So typically, for the individual, the house placement and the aspects are more visible and noticable than the zodiac placement.


Please note that this list is only a guideline and therefore only serves as an orientation. An overall view of the horoscope is required for complete validity.


Note: This entry is updated on an ongoing basis.



Constant, never-ending stressful situations in life 

  • Uranus quincunx other planets
  • Uranus in 12th house
  • Uranus with no aspect

Would benefit from: 

Learning to let go, practice meditation, finding trust in the process of life, building up and maintaining a safety net (social, financial etc.)



Relationships with a rebellious, independent or irritatable character

  • Uranus in 5th or 7th house
  • Uranus conjunct Venus
  • Uranus conjunct Pluto

Would benefit from: 

Engage in conscious work, learning about boundaries and setting them, learning about relationship patterns, practice self-worth habits



Getting constant "wake up calls"

  • Uranus in 12th house
  • Uranus conjunct Neptune
  • Uranus without any connection to Moon, Saturn or Sun

 Would benefit from: 

Engage in conscious work, exchange with others about situations, getting new perspectives



Heavy resistance against change

  • Uranus with mostly squares / oppositions
  • Uranus square / opposition Saturn
  • Uranus square / opposition Jupiter

 Would benefit from: 

Finding trust in the prcoess of life, engaging with others in their experiences with changes, practice small changes in daily habits to increase comfort with change



Own instability and irritability

  • Uranus on the Ascendant
  • Uranus in 1st house
  • Uranus square / opposition Mars
  • Uranus square / opposition  Moon

Would benefit from: 

Reflection, taking conscious time to understand own behaviour and triggers, exchange with others



Heavy family problems (messy family drama, irritable, uncontrollable parent) 

  • Uranus in 4th house, especially directly on IC
  • Uranus square / opposition Saturn
  • Uranus square / opposition Sun

Would benefit from: 

Reflecting and working through past experiences, establishing clear boundaries towards family, defining new values of what feels normal and healthy



Strong independence, sometimes lack of agreeableness

  • Uranus conjunct Mars
  • Uranus conjunct Sun
  • Uranus with many trines and sextiles

Would benefit from: 

Exchange with others, practicing empathy, understanding others perspectives